📊🚀 Atlantes Calls FAQ - Your Guide to Our Crypto Trading Signals 🚀📊

What is Atlantes Calls?

Atlantes Calls is your go-to source for high-quality crypto trading signals. We provide daily reports with detailed performance metrics to help you make informed trading decisions.

How do I read the daily reports?

Our reports include key metrics like Total Trades, Total ROI, Win Rate, Loss Rate, Avg Profit/Trade, and Max ROI. We also highlight the Top 5 performing signals of the day.

What are SCAM tokens?

SCAM tokens are those with abnormally high returns,rug pulls, honeypot that are likely fraudulent - We mark these with a 💩 emoji and consider their ROI as -100% to ensure accurate performance calculations.

How often are reports published?

We publish our detailed reports almost daily. Each report covers the previous day's trading performance.

What should I do if I encounter a SCAM token?

Stay cautious and avoid trading SCAM tokens. Always verify the credibility of the tokens you trade.

Do you trade on your own signals?

Yes, we enter almost every signal with our own bot, except in certain cases like high slippage.

Why do you share your signals? How do you make money?

We earn only through trading and our analytical tools. We do not currently sell any ads and do not plan to, except possibly from trusted developers. We share signals because we believe that the more people/organic traffic enters a token, the more likely it is to shoot up in value.

How do your signals work?

We have tested hundreds of thousands of filters and entry parameters based on our data, and this is the optimal set using AI and Machine Learning. The signals are generated between 5 and 12 blocks to ensure optimal entry points, high win rates, and minimal losses. Always DYOR.

How to trade on your signals?

The best way for sniping is using Maestro Bot. The link is provided under each signal.

Do you offer training?

No, we do not offer training and do not plan to. However, we are open to collaborations with bloggers. Contact us if you have a community.

How can I stay updated?

Follow us on our Telegram Channel and Twitter for daily updates and the latest in crypto trading signals.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us in our Telegram group. We're here to help you trade smarter and more effectively!

Stay tuned and trade smart! 📈💪

Last updated