Token Launch with Atlantes Bundle: Overcoming Common Challenges

Token Launch with Atlantes Bundle: Overcoming Common Challenges


Launching a new token project comes with several challenges, such as sniper bots, paper hands (jeets), low trading volume, and low market cap at launch. Atlantes Bundle offers innovative solutions to these problems, ensuring a smooth and successful token launch. This article outlines how Atlantes Bundle addresses these issues and provides step-by-step guidance on preparing for a token launch.

Problems and Solutions

Sniper Bots

Problem: Sniper bots exploit new token launches by purchasing tokens before other users, then quickly selling them for a profit.

Solution with Atlantes Bundle: Atlantes Bundle combats sniper bots by bundling multiple swap transactions into a single atomic transaction. This method ensures that all transactions within the bundle are executed simultaneously, making it impossible for sniper bots to interfere. When trading opens, Atlantes Bundle sends these bundled transactions to the block builder, eliminating the advantage of faster bots.

Jeets (Paper Hands)

Problem: Jeets, or paper hands, are early buyers who sell off their tokens quickly, weakening the token's price floor.

Solution with Atlantes Bundle: By allowing developers to control a significant portion of the token supply and manage its distribution, Atlantes Bundle helps maintain a stronger price floor. Developers can distribute tokens to multiple wallets strategically, preventing large sell-offs that could destabilize the token's value.

Low Trading Volume

Problem: Low trading volume at launch makes the project appear unattractive, deterring potential investors.

Solution with Atlantes Bundle: Atlantes Bundle ensures an initial burst of trading activity by allowing developers to perform multiple swaps to various wallets at launch. This orchestrated activity boosts trading volume, making the project more appealing to investors from the outset.

Low Market Cap at Launch

Problem: A low market cap at launch can deter potential investors and hinder the project's growth.

Solution with Atlantes Bundle: By enabling developers to control the initial supply distribution and set the initial market cap, Atlantes Bundle helps create a more attractive and stable market cap at launch. Developers can allocate tokens across multiple wallets, ensuring a balanced and robust market cap that attracts investor interest.

Getting Started with Atlantes Bundle

Compatible Contracts

To use Atlantes Bundle, the smart contract must include an enableTrading function. If the contract has a similar function with a different name, it must be renamed. For example:

Original Functions:

function openTrading() external onlyOwner()
function startTrading() external onlyOwner()
function openTrade() external onlyOwner()
function startTrade() external onlyOwner()

Renamed Function:

function enableTrading() external onlyOwner()

Wallet Preparation

Deployer Wallet: Used to deploy the smart contract.

Executor Wallet (SWAPer): Performs multiple swaps and distributes tokens. Both wallets must have sufficient ETH balances.

Steps to Start with Atlantes Bundle:

  1. Prepare both deployer and executor wallets.

  2. Ensure each wallet has ETH to cover transaction costs.

  3. Input private keys for both wallets within the Atlantes Bundle app for validation.

By following these steps and utilizing Atlantes Bundle, developers can effectively manage token launches, mitigate the impact of sniper bots, stabilize the token floor, and create a more attractive investment environment.


Atlantes Bundle provides a comprehensive solution for overcoming common challenges in token launches. By leveraging its features, developers can ensure a successful and stable launch, attracting investors and building a strong foundation for their token projects.

Last updated