Profiles Settings

The Profiles feature enables users to create up to five distinct profiles within Trade Volume Bot.

Each profile can be individually configured with specific alert settings, token preferences, and analytical filters. This customization allows users to segment their market monitoring and analysis according to different strategies or areas of interest.

Users can create a new profile by accessing the 'Profiles' section in the bot's settings. Here, you can name your profile and begin the customization process.

Configuration: For each profile, you can set unique preferences for which tokens to monitor, alert thresholds (e.g., volume spikes, price changes), and specific market events of interest. This enables users to have tailored analytical perspectives – for example, one profile might focus on high-volatility tokens, while another tracks long-term growth opportunities.

Switching Between Profiles: Users can easily switch between profiles to view different sets of data and alerts. This flexibility is ideal for users who manage diverse trading strategies or wish to keep separate analyses for different token categories.

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