General Filters

🔍 Token Overview:

  • Contract Address (CA) & Age: Identifies the token's unique blockchain address and its age since creation, offering initial insights into its maturity.

  • Pair Age: The duration since the trading pair's establishment, hinting at market presence.

  • Links to Contract & Owner: Direct access to blockchain explorers for detailed contract review and owner information, enhancing transparency.

📊 Market Data:

  • Liquidity & Market Cap (MCap): Presents the token's liquidity pool size and total market valuation, crucial for assessing its market strength.

  • All-Time High (ATH) & MCap/Liquidity Ratio: Shows the token's peak price value and the ratio between market cap and liquidity, indicating potential investment returns.

  • Volume & Tax: The total trading volume and applied transaction taxes, reflecting trading activity and cost implications.

👥 Trading Activity:

  • Buyers & Sellers Count: The number of unique buyers and sellers, revealing market participation.

  • Buys & Sells Volume: Summarizes total purchase and sale values, offering a glimpse into market momentum.

  • Buyer-Seller Ratio & External Analysis Tools: The balance between buyers and sellers and links to external tools like Dextools and Dexscreener for visual analysis.

🔏 Token Security:

  • Honeypot Status: Indicates whether the token is a potential honeypot, ensuring trader safety.

  • Verification & Liquidity Lock: Status of smart contract verification and the percentage of locked liquidity, key for assessing trustworthiness.

  • Owner Renounced & KYC: Information on ownership renouncement for decentralization proof and KYC compliance status for additional security layer.

📈 Community & Wallets:

  • Holders: Shows the total number of individuals or entities holding the token, providing a broad sense of its distribution and adoption.

  • Presale Participation: Details on participants in the presale phase, including what percentage of their tokens have been sold versus held, offering insights into early investor confidence and potential supply pressure.

  • Snipers: Identifies early buyers who might have entered during the initial blocks after launch. Their hold/sell ratios can indicate early speculative interest and potential price manipulation.

  • First 100 Holders: Information on the behavior of the first 100 addresses that acquired the token. Their activities can serve as a market sentiment indicator among initial investors.

  • Whales: Tracks large holders, revealing the concentration of token ownership. This can hint at the market power certain wallets have and potential impacts on price movements.

  • Fresh Wallets: The count of newly created wallets that have interacted with the token. High numbers may indicate growing interest or potential for artificial inflation of activity.

  • Transfer Wallets: Wallets primarily receiving tokens through transfers rather than purchases. Their activities might point towards redistribution strategies or attempts to disguise ownership concentration.

  • Smart Wallets: Utilizing advanced AI metrics, these represent savvy traders with strong profitability indicators.'s internal analytics identify these wallets based on their exceptional trading performance, providing a benchmark for smart trading practices.

  • Smart Snipers: Identified through sophisticated AI analysis, these are traders who excel in timing their market entries, often capitalizing on initial offering stages for maximum gain. These smart snipers exhibit an adeptness at identifying and seizing lucrative opportunities swiftly.

  • Tax Holders: These beneficiaries earn commissions from buy or sell transactions, highlighting a unique ecosystem where certain wallets gain from the trading activity itself. This classification reveals the underlying structures that reward participation and influence within the trading environment.

  • Inactive Wallets: Wallets that have not engaged in any transactions over a certain period. High numbers may suggest a lack of active participation or interest in the token.

  • Dormant Wallets: Similar to inactive wallets but typically refers to wallets that have held tokens for an extended period without any movement. These can represent long-term holders or forgotten wallets.

  • Navigating Alerts and Customizing Preferences Setting Up Preferences: Instruction on configuring alert settings to match personal trading goals and risk profiles, enabling users to focus on the most relevant market events.

Last updated